The George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy builds on the interface between Astrophysics, High Energy Experiment, and High Energy Theory to advance our knowledge and understanding of the Universe. We explore the Universe from the lightest particles to its most massive structures through vibrant research programs centered on theory, observations, and experiments. We are dedicated to sharing our knowledge and the excitement of discovery through education and public outreach, conferences, workshops, and a visitors’ program. The Mitchell Institute is part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the College of Science at Texas A&M University.
Upcoming Events
Tensionless AdS3/CFT2 and Single Trace TTbar High Energy Theory
Speaker: Andrea Dei (University of Chicago)
Feb 17, 2025 @ 2:00pm - 3:00pm | Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics & Astronomy, M102
JWST Observations of M82: Massive Star Clusters and the Base of the Galactic Wind Astronomy
Speaker: Rebecca Levy (Space Telescope Science Institute)
Feb 18, 2025 @ 3:00pm - 4:00pm | Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics & Astronomy, M102
Neutrino-nucleus Interactions and the Quest for New and Precision Physics Searches in Neutrino Experiments HEPEC
Speaker: Vishvas Pandey (Fermilab)
Feb 20, 2025 @ 12:30pm | Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics & Astronomy, M108
Latest News

Northwestern University Joins Giant Magellan Telescope International Consortium
Officials with the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) announced today (Dec. 13) that Northwestern University has joined the international consortium in its quest to construct the $2.54 billion observatory dedicated to exploring the distant universe. With the addition of Northwestern, which is home to the world-renowned Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) and the newly […]

Texas A&M Physicist Kevin Kelly Earns American Physical Society Early Career Award
Established in 2011 by the APS Division of Particles and Fields, the Primakoff Award is bestowed annually to physicists who have received a Ph.D. within the last seven years in recognition of accomplishments in both experimental and theoretical particle physics. It is supported by the Henry Primakoff Lecture Fund, created by members of the physics […]

Giant Magellan Telescope Begins Primary Mirror Support System Testing
“This intricate system took years of designing, building and testing by a team of specialized engineers and technicians,” said Tomas Krasuski, principal software and system test engineer for the Giant Magellan Telescope. “Every single component was thoroughly tested before integrating it into the system. Now that we’ve installed the mirror segment, we are excited to […]