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The George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy

String Geometry & Beyond

Soltis Center of Texas A&M

Costa Rica, November 24 – December 1, 2013

The String Geometry & Beyond workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation as part of the Focused Research Grant “Generalized Geometry, String Theory and Deformations”. It discusses the beautiful subject of string geometry, which is a fascinating subject of modern string theory research.

Final Schedule

Workshop Pictures


K. Becker R. Minasian
M. Becker M. Perry
J. Distler D. Robbins
M. Gualtieri A. Royston
M. Guica S. Sethi
S. Gutenberg A. Strominger
K. Intriligator W. Taylor
A. Lawrence A. Tomasiello
B. Lian L. Tseng
H. Lin S.T. Yau
I. Melnikov X. Yin

More Information

This workshop is organized by K. Becker and M. Becker at the Soltis Center (Texas A&M) in Costa Rica.

Soltis Center for Research and Education