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The George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy


Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics (2025)

In association with the Physics Department at Sam Houston State University, the 2025 Mitchell Conference on Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics will be held from May 13th-16th at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The conference will focus on recent developments in the fields of collider, dark matter, and neutrino physics. The conference will be attended by experimental and theoretical experts from these fields, and plenty of time will be allocated for interaction, discussion, and collaboration.

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Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics (2024)

In association with the Physics Department at Sam Houston State University, the 2024 Mitchell Conference on Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics will be held from May 23rd-26th at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The conference will focus on recent developments in the fields of collider, dark matter, and neutrino physics. The conference will be attended by experimental and theoretical experts from these fields, and plenty of time will be allocated for interaction, discussion, and collaboration.

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Supernova Workshop (2024)

The 2024 Supernova workshop was held from April 15-19, 2024, at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Cooks Branch Observatory in Montgomery, Texas. Topics included exploding stars, gravitationally lensed supernovae, gamma ray bursters, sources identified in wide scale surveys, polarization studies of individual galaxies, polarization maps of whole galaxies, the physics of thermonuclear explosions, and other topics. Experts in AI and ML laid out the framework for those of us with little or no experience in this new and important computational field.

Southwest Strings Meeting (2024)

This meeting is the seventh annual regional conference for the Southwest area. Its purpose is to promote scientific interaction among the Southwest string theory and holography communities, as well as to bring speakers from outside the region in to share their results and enrich the community.

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Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics (2023)

In association with the Physics Department at Sam Houston State University, the 2023 Mitchell Conference on Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics will be held from May 16-19 at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The conference will focus on recent developments in the fields of collider, dark matter, and neutrino physics. The conference will be attended by experimental and theoretical experts from these fields, and plenty of time will be allocated for interaction, discussion, and collaboration.

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Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics (2022)

In association with the Physics Department at Sam Houston State University, the 2022 Mitchell Conference on Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics will be held from May 24-27 at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The conference will focus on recent developments in the fields of collider, dark matter, and neutrino physics. The conference will be attended by experimental and theoretical experts from these fields, and plenty of time will be allocated for interaction, discussion, and collaboration.

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Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics (2020)

The Mitchell Workshop has regrettably been canceled indefinitely due to uncertainties with COVID-19. Participants will be notified about a possible rescheduled date for later this year.

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SuperCDMS Collaboration Meeting (2020)

The SuperCDMS SNOLAB is an international collaboration. Important work is progressing at all partner U.S. national labs and at a number of U.S. universities. The project also benefits from international partnerships with institutions in Canada, France, the UK and India.

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Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics (2019)

In association with the Physics Department at Sam Houston State University, the 2019 Mitchell Conference on Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics will be held on May 15-17 at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The conference will focus on recent developments in the fields of collider, dark matter, and neutrino physics. The conference will be attended by experimental and theoretical experts from these fields, and plenty of time will be allocated for interaction, discussion, and collaboration.

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Next Generation Xenon-based Dark Matter and Neutrino Detection (2019)

The next generation dark matter and neutrino detection workshop will be held on February 1 and 2 at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The workshop bring together experimentalists and theorists working in the fields of direct dark matter detection, astrophysical neutrinos, and neutrino-less double beta decay. The workshop will accommodate talks and ample time for informal discussion amongst participants. Talks and discussion will focus on motivating the scientific program, and research and development, for future multi-ton, Generation-3 (G3) direct dark matter and neutrino experiments.

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Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics (2018)

In association with the Physics Department at Sam Houston State University, the 2018 Mitchell Conference on Collider, Dark Matter, and Neutrino Physics will be held on May 21-23 at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The conference will focus on recent developments in the fields of collider, dark matter, and neutrino physics. The conference will be attended by experimental and theoretical experts from these fields, and plenty of time will be allocated for interaction, discussion, and collaboration.

Dark Energy Survey Collaboration Meeting (2018)

It is our pleasure to host the 2018 Dark Energy Survey collaboration meeting May 14-18 at The George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy at Texas A&M University, in Texas, USA.

Exceptional Field Theories, Strings and Holography (2018)

The George P. and Cynthia W. Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy is organizing a workshop on Exceptional Field Theories, Strings and Holography, to be held from April 23 – April 25, 2018. This will be a small, informal gathering with about four talks per day, allowing plenty of opportunity for interactions and collaborations among the participants.

String Theory and Special Holonomy Manifolds (2018)

The theme of the workshop is the mathematical applications of string theory and M-theory. Topics include Kaluza-Klein compactifications of string theory and M-theory on G2 and Spin (7) manifolds. Among other things the newly discovered twisted connected sum construction due to Kovalev will extensively be studied.

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CLEAR Collaboration Meeting (2018)

The 2018 CLEAR Collaboration Meeting will be held from January 29-Feburary 1, 2018, at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Cooks Branch Observatory in Montgomery, Texas. This meeting will be using the Hubble Space Telescope to study the properties in early university (organized by Casey Papovich).

Collider and Dark Matter Physics (2017)

The 2017 Mitchell Workshop on Collider and Dark Matter Physics will be held May 18 and 19 at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The workshop will focus on recent developments in the fields of collider and dark matter. The workshop will be attended by experimental and theoretical experts from these fields, and plenty of time will be allocated for interaction, discussion, and collaboration.

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Supernova Workshop (2017)

The 2017 Supernova workshop was held from April 10-14, 2017, at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Cooks Branch Observatory in Montgomery, Texas. This involved the participation of 3 TAMU astronomers, two grad students, one postdoc, and astronomers from Australia, Spain, China, Florida, California, and Oklahoma.

Dualities in Supergravities, Strings and Branes Workshop (2017)

This workshop was held at the Mitchel Institute from April 3-14, 2017. The organizers were Christopher Pope and Ergin Sezgin. This brought participants from universities around the world, for a 2-week long meeting that combined talks and also the opportunity for interactions and collaborations. The participants from other universities were Eric Bergshoeff, Henning Sambtleben, Evgeny Skvortsov, Hadi Godazgar, Mahdi Godazgar.

USCMS Phase-2 Forward Muon Upgrade Workshop [2016]

The 2016 Mitchell Workshop on Collider and Dark Matter Physics will be held from May December 6 – 8, 2016, at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The focus of this workshop was on reviewing and refining the overall plan and schedule of the US contributions to the CMS forward muon upgrades scheduled for LS-2 and LS-3 shutdowns. In addition to technical aspects, the workshop goals include review and refinement of the current project schedule, distribution of responsibilities among participating institution, project milestones, cost estimates and other project management topics.

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ZFOURGE Workshop (2016)

The 2016 ZFOURGE workshop was held from October 24 – 28, 2016, at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Cooks Branch Observatory in Montgomery, Texas. For a full description of the project and science products.

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Collider and Dark Matter Physics (2016)

The 2016 Mitchell Workshop on Collider and Dark Matter Physics will be held from May 23 – May 27, 2016, at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The workshop will focus on recent progress in the fields of collider, dark matter, and neutrino physics. The workshop will be attended by experimental and theoretical experts from these fields, and plenty of time will be allocated for interaction, discussion, and collaboration.

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Dualities in Supergravities, Strings and Branes (2016)

The George P. and Cynthia W. Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy is organizing a workshop on Dualities in Supergravities and Branes, to be held from April 11 – April 15, 2016. This will be a small, informal gathering with about three talks per day, allowing plenty of opportunity for interactions and collaborations among the participants.

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Coherent Neutrino Scattering Experiment Workshop (2015)

The Coherent Neutrino Scattering Experiment Workshop was a one day workshop that was held at the Mitchell Institute on November 11, 2015. Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEνNS) can be used as a technique to probe Beyond Standard Model Physics, from sterile neutrinos to Z’ and Non-Standard Interactions. This workshop is designed to discuss various scientific and technological aspects as well as the challenges of reactor neutrino experiments attempting to measure the CEνNS process and its potential as a probe for Beyond Standard Model (BSM) Physics.

Strings, Branes and Holography (2015)

The George P. and Cynthia W. Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy is organizing a workshop on Strings, Branes and Holography, to be held from April 27 – May 1, 2015. This will be a small, informal gathering with about three talks per day, allowing plenty of opportunity for interactions and collaborations among the participants.

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Arnowitt Symposium and Mitchell Workshop on Collider and Dark Matter Physics (2015)

The 2015 Mitchell Workshop on Collider and Dark Matter Physics will be held from May 18 – May 22, 2015, at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The workshop will focus on recent results from collider experiments and progress in the field of dark matter.

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SuperCDMS Collaboration Meeting (2015)

The SuperCDMS experiment aims to measure the recoil energy imparted to a nucleus due to collisions with WIMPs by employing detectors which are highly sensitive to the ionization and phonon signals that results from a WIMP-nucleus collision.

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ZFOURGE Team Meeting (2014)

A meeting of the ZFOURGE team members

Mitchell Workshop on Collider and Dark Matter Physics (2014)

The 2014 Mitchell Workshop on Collider and Dark Matter Physics will be held from 12th – 15th May 2014, at the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University. The workshop will focus on recent results from collider experiments and progress in the field of dark matter.

Heterotic Strings and (0,2) QFT (2014)

This workshop will bring together leading experts in these areas with the goals of giving an overview of recent results, finding new relations between the various problems under study, and hopefully charting some new directions where progress can be achieved by combining different approaches.

Black Holes in Supergravity, Higher-Spin Gravity and String Theory (2014)

The George P. and Cynthia W. Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy is organizing a workshop on Black Holes in Supergravity, Higher-Spin Gravity and String Theory, to be held on April 14-16, 2014. This is meant to be a small, informal gathering, with the goal of allowing much time for interaction between participants.

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Great Brampton House – Hawking Spring Workshop(2014)

This workshop took place from March 30 to April 18, 2014, in the Great Brampton House, near Hereford, UK as part of the Cambridge-Mitchell Collaboration annual spring workshop series

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GMACS Workshop and GMT Meeting(2014)

This workshop focused on exploring the technical capabilities of GMACS, the wide-field, multi-object spectrograph for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). The workshop included several talks on the technical and scientific justification for GMACS capabilities, with ample discussion time to prioritize these capabilities.

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CMS Froward Muon Trigger and DAQ Workshop(2014)

A workshop dedicated to discussions about electronics upgrades of the CMS forward muon system.

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String Geometry & Beyond (2013)

A conference in Costa Rica organized by Katrin Becker and Melanie Becker.

ZFOURGE Team Meeting (2013)

A meeting of the ZFOURGE team members

Carnegie Supernova Project Workshop (2013)

A workshop at Cook’s Branch Ranch organized by Kevin Krisciunas, Lifan Wang, Nick Suntzeff, and Peter Brown.

US CMS Endcap Muon Collaboration Meeting (2013)

The meeting has gathered about 30 senior investigators, researchers, engineers and graduate students from nine US institutions, members of the Endcap Muon (EMU) System of the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Topics in Holography, Supersymmetry and Higher Derivatives (2013)

The Mitchell Institute is organizing a three-week workshop on holography and its applications, developments in supersymmetric field theories, and topics in higher derivative theories that will be held on April 8-26, 2013.

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TAMU Workshop on Dark Matter (2013)

The Mitchell Institute will host a small workshop to discuss various aspects of dark matter searches at LHC, Direct Detection and Indirect Detection experiments, along with expectations from theory and associated phenomenology.

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» KAGS HD News Report

Dark Energy Survey (2012)

The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is designed to probe the origin of the accelerating universe and help uncover the nature of dark energy by measuring the 14-billion year history of cosmic expansion with high precision.

Conformal Field Theories Beyond Two Dimensions (2012)

The Mitchell Institute is organizing a workshop on Conformal Field Theories Beyond Two Dimensions, to be held from March 12-16, 2012. The workshop will take place at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.

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NEWSPIN (2011)

The Mitchell Institute is organizing a workshop on spin and anomalous Hall effect, spin transfer, spin pumping, and current-driven domain wall motion, cold atoms as simulators for quantum magnetism, and spin orbit coupling in cold-atom systems.

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Aspects of Inflation (2011)

The workshop will take place in the Hawking Auditorium, on the lower level of the Mitchell Institute (with the exception of the 4-5 session on Friday, April 8 which will be in room 102, on the ground floor of the Institute).

Generalized Geometries and String Theory (2011)

This workshop takes place at the Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy of Texas A&M in College Station, Texas. Our goal is to have a relaxed atmosphere and much time for interaction among participants.

Giant Magellan Telescope Extragalactic Workshop (2011)

This is a workshop focused on the exploration of the frontiers of extragalactic astronomy using the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). The particular focus of the workshop will be on the scientific questions at the forefront of extragalactic research, and how the GMT will advance this field. The workshop will consist of invited and contributed talks, with ample time for discussion.

Applications of AdS/CFT (2010)

This workshop takes place at the Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy of Texas A & M in College Station, Texas. Our goal is to have a relaxed atmosphere and much time for interaction among participants.

Strings (2010)

This will be a major conference devoted to string theory, M-theory and its generalizations. It is one of the series of string conferences which has taken place annually since the end of the 1980s. (The 1989 and 1990 string conferences were also held at Texas A&M).

ADM-50 A Celebration of Current GR Innovation (2009)

ADM-50: A celebration of current GR Innovation will take place at Texas A&M University on November 7 and 8, 2009. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the ADM formulation which restructured the dynamics of general relativity.

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Spring Workshop (2008)

A collection of seminars and talks.

Strings, Branes and Cosmology (2007)

Koç University and George P. and Cynthia W. Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics are jointly organizing a topical conference on Strings, Branes and Cosmology, to be held from 9 -13 July 2007. The conference will take place at Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey.

International Workshop on the Interconnection Between Particle Physics and Cosmology (2007)

Recent advances in observational astronomy have brought a new focus on the potential connections between new fundamental particles and our understanding of their impact on the early universe and its evolution. With the content of the universe well known from WMAP, supernovae and balloon observations, a key aspect is that 23% of the universe appears to consist of dark matter.

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Spring Workshop (2007)

A collection of seminars and talks.

Mitchell Symposium on Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (2006)

A collection of seminars and talks.

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Quantum Gravity Phenomenology (2005)

A mini conference collection of seminars and talks.

Dark Matter in Astro and Particle Physics (2004)

The international Heidelberg conference on “Dark Matter in Astro and Particle Physics” is an interdisciplinary conference that brings together scientists working in fields as diverse as cosmology, astrophysics, particle and nuclear physics. The aim of the conference is to discuss the nature and origin of dark matter and dark energy which dominates our universe.

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Strings and Cosmology (2004)

The George P. and Cynthia W. Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics, is organizing a conference on Strings and Cosmology, to be held from 14 -17 March 2004. The conference will take place in Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Inaugural Conference: Holography and the AdS/CFT Correspondence (2003)

As part of the inaugural semester of the newly-founded George P. and Cynthia W. Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics, a conference on Holography and the AdS/CFT Correspondence will be held, from 12 -14 March 2003. The conference will take place in the old city of Galveston, near Houston, Texas.